To determine your step size, measure from the bottom of your door frame straight down to the ground (B on diagram).
Take that measurement and look at the HEIGHT column to determine how many risers (steps) you will need.
Next, the platform or landing, is the distance straight out from your door (C on diagram).
The width is the Horizontal length of each step from end to end (see A on diagram). We strongly recommend the 5′ wide steps.
Last, the total length of the step is the distance from the house to the end of the first step (see D on diagram).
Once you have your step measurements, please refer to the price sheet for the cost.
To prepare your site for delivery, we simply need a flat, level surface. Site can be grass, dirt, gravel or cement slab. IMPORTANT: We need to be able to back our truck up to the site. If this is not possible, please mention it upon placing an order and we’ll have to bring the necessary equipment.
Braham Precast